allbeauty (US)
Allbeauty sell beauty and fragrance products from a range of high profile and niche brands, including St.Tropez and Urban Decay.
allbeauty (US) - Payment, Delivery & Return info
Delivery information | Priority tracked shipping is free when you spend over $25 and takes between 4 and 6 business days, otherwise this delivery option will cost $2.95. Express shipping (1-2 business days) is available for $9.95. |
Payment information | You can pay with Visa, Maestro, MasterCard, PayPal and Klarna. |
Payment methods | Credit Card Mastercard Visa Maestro PayPal Klarna Buy Now Pay Later |
Return information | Customers from the US must cover the cost for their returns. Items must be posted to the returns address, which can be found on the allbeauty website, with a brief note explaining why you are returning the product. |
Pay with Klarna at allbeauty (US)
It is possible to pay with Klarna at allbeauty (US) .